The Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dmytro Dubilet presented the new Head of the National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service (NACS)

The Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Dmytro Dubilet presented the new Head of the NACS Oleksandr Starodubtsev. 

Dmytro Dubilet focused on the main tasks of the NAСS introducing the new leader. According to him, the priority aim is to bring the standards of civil servants closer to those in the private sector.

“Everything that could be simplified should be simplified, and the rest must be fully converted to electronic format,” the Minister said, revealing key directions of the civil service reform.

In addition, the Minister announced the creation of a new training system that will enable civil servants to constantly improve their knowledge and skills in order to become competitive in the job market outside the civil service.

“I hope that NACS would become that very center for all levels civil servants development…”

Besides, the NACS Head Oleksandr Starodubtsev expressed his vision of the main directions of the NACS activity for the coming year, including:

  • HR and digitization;
  • reform of the NACS;
  • waiver of the non-peculiar functions;
  • new projects launch.

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